Cyber World War III

Puzzle box: The quest to crack the world’s most mysterious malware warhead

virusReading this article brings me to the conclusion that a World War III with nukes is not as likely as a Cyber War. Stockpiles of nuclear weapons my not be a thing of the past, but secure servers with customized malware payloads will most likely be the new black. No need to send in troops. Just unleash a virus that cripples a country’s communication system or power grid. Or how about throwing a country into chaos by destroying financial data centers. As society becomes more reliant on computers for everything from traffic signals to nuclear power plants, we also become more susceptible to sabotage of these control systems. It’s also easier to scout for the people with the skills to write the code than  materials needed to build nukes. With the discovery of Stuxnet & now Gauss, it looks like the gauntlet has already been thrown down.

PC Cybertek & My Web Tattoo Removal

tattooDue to circumstances beyond my control, I’ve lost and while I didn’t have a ton of traffic, one series of articles I did on removing some malware and browser hijacking that was installed by something called My Web Tattoo did generate over a hundred thousand hits. I got hit by this when I installed My Web tattoo. I tried every antivirus and anti malware program I could download but to no avail. Then I came up with a way to an online sandbox to see what it installed and what registry keys it modified. I posted how to remove webtattoo based on what I had discovered. My little blog which maybe a couple of friends read rarely all the sudden had a huge increase in traffic. I went from a couple hundred views to 40k. The post got piced up by several forums including google forums. Before I knew it, I had lots of people thanking me for helping them remove this rotten thing.  Turns out, a lot of people had the same problem I had & weren’t able to remove it. Helping all these people was a good feeling. Up until the time PC Cybertek went down, I was still getting thank you messages for people and the posts were a couple years old at that point. While my blog had various topics from freeware I liked to music I made, the removal of Web Tattoo and the browser hijacking it performed was by far the most popular post. All the thank you messages I received really made me feel good.

I hope to recover those posts and reprint them here just in case someone could still use the information. So if you happened to find this place while looking for Web Tattoo removal, I’m sorry but it’s not available at the moment. Hopefully I will be able to edit this last part and post a link to those pages.